20th Century - synthesis

20th Century - synthesis

Make yourself at home!

This blog is a tool for the Language and Culture II course at Instituto Superior Palomar de Caseros. Here students can share their findings on the web and think together about the comings and goings of the 20th century.

sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018

What was the Russian Revolution?

"The revolutions in Russia are incredibly important historic events.
They marked the beginning of a new political system in action - a system known as communism.
Communism ended up being a big influence on world history. You can find out more about what happened here."
Continue reading this article at http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/41904621

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

The Armenian Genocide

a href="">

Journalist and newsreader Mishal Husain (Pakistani origin) journeys through Mahatma Gandhi early years in India to the end of his controversial career in South Africa. This program is telecasted in BBC around Gandhi Jayanthi year 2009. It's one of the best and reasonable effort to find flaws in Gandhi.